
Poljoprivreda, Vol. 12, No. 2

Datum izdavanja: Prosinac 2006.

ISSN: 1330-7142

UDK: 633.854.78 : 664.3

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Croatian fishery – harmonization of regulations and how to access eu?

V. Par, M. Lovrinov, M. Njavro

Problems in Croatian fishery that impacts on low competitiveness were well known even before harmonization process start. EU accession process put even addition emphasis on the mentioned problem. In fact, increasing competitiveness from equal situation for market participants is one of the basic functions of the EU regulation harmonization in the accession process. It is highly integrated market environment and extremely demanding due to high level of European market norms. Legal basis of the process, and at the same time criteria for Croatian legalization assessment, have been determined during screening phase – chapter 13 – fishery.
Beside harmonization, changes are necessary in physical characteristics and spatial relationships, primary assuring area for fish discharge on the part of the front. It increases fishermen security, manipulation with a fish is easier, risk of contamination is low, control and compliances with the fish trade standards according to the EU standards and regulations are enabled.
The paper aims to analyze national documents and acquis in fish trade (Common Market Organisation; Common Fishery Policy) and determine needs for harmonization between Croatian and EU laws and introduction of the CMO measures. The paper indicates necessary activities in harmonization of regulations and proposed institutional and administrative changes.
Due to absence of regulation, changes in Croatian fishery sector will not be conducted properly and consequently it won’t have equal chances on the EU market. Therefore this subject needs to be included in governmental priorities with the objective to assure legal basis for adequate infrastructure and suprastructure.
The results presented are a part of the research conducted during authors’ work on the Fishery infrastructure in accordance with EU acquis feasibility study.

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Short, medium and long-term opportunities and needs for research for sustainable farm animal breeding and reproduction technology in eu

D. Kompan

The European landscape is characterised by a range of diverse farming systems. These relate not only to varied geographical environments, but also to different social and cultural environments for farming and food production. This diversity is unique to Europe and underlines the importance of European agriculture. Animal breeding is a knowledge intensive sector, and for the future competitiveness of animal breeding and animal production, high level European research is indispensable. The preparation of Strategic Research Agenda were in a full process: opportunities and problems, gaps, short, medium and long term opportunities and needs for research. Each country experts from different group have opportunity to help define his country dimension of animal breeding in its regional and country context, and also in relation to European and global developments. The Farm Animal Breeding and Reproduction European Technology Platform, brings together a wide range of interested parties to produce a vision of how livestock breeding might develop in the next 20 years, and constitutes the first step in achieving that vision.

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The promotion of european ecosocial model to the development of hungarian agricultural employment and rural areas

P. Garai, G. Juhász, G. Kemény

In addition to the European agricultural productivity tasks so-called ecosocial services being born locally, have to be worked out, cannot be imported. The agriculture and the rural population have to be compensated. For the above mentioned the perception and demands of the aforesaid led to the establishment of the multifunctional European agricultural model, the reform of the common agricultural and regional policy. One of the aims of the study is the objective analysis of the situation, the other is the environmental approach of the complex social – economic possibilities of agriculture and regional development.

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Recent market requirements for pork quality in germany

E. Kallweit, Martina Henning, U. Baulain

Meat market is changing continuously. The amount of meat sold in butcher shops is decreasing while pre packed meat in grocery stores and discounters is growing up to more than 50 % of the total consumption in 2007 (forecast). This has an impact on carcass evaluation concerning weight, proportion of cuts and homogeneity. New evaluation systems were developed and applied. Consumer’s demand to meat quality is, besides the well known characteristics for contents of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, minimal residues, tenderness, water holding capacity etc., i.e. where objective measurements can be applied, also ethic considerations. These are sustainable production systems, animal welfare and enjoyment of meat consumption. The first group of traits mentioned has been improved substantially by selection against the MHS gene. But heterozygous products are still on the market and even in homozygous MHS negative populations a wide variation in meat quality remains. To gain further genetic progress additional characteristics of pork quality were introduced into progeny testing schemes, and, occasionally, in the slaughter line, i.e. drip loss and intramuscular fat. Due to heritability parameters and genetic correlations these efforts are promising. Ethic aspects are taken care of by integrated production schemes where the main steps of production (genetics, housing, handling, transport, slaughter etc.) are guaranteed by contract.

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Genetic aspects of milk coagulation properties in dairy cattle

M. Cassandro, Chiara Dalvit, E. Zanetti, M. De Marchi, R. Dal Zotto

Authors reviewed the genetic aspects of milk coagulation ability focusing on heritability and genetic correlation values and on the breed and milk protein loci effects on rennet coagulation time and curd firmness. The review discussed milk and cheese yield production all over the world concluding that the per capita retail demand for cheese will increase with a mean annual growth rate of 0.8%. Therefore, in the future, cheese production will continue to be one of the major livestock food products around the world. The development of new payment systems for milk considering the intrinsic value for cheese making ability, could be an important opportunity for select best individual within dairy cattle breeds and to preserve, among dairy cattle breeds, those with high milk coagulation properties. Often these genetic resources, beyond their genetic value, also exercise a positive influence on sustainability of milk production in fragile environments, such as mountain areas, preserving an important cultural value (history, traditions, arts, and literature).

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Changes and perspectives of slovenian pig production before and after accession to the eu: the case STUDY

M. Kastelić

The changes in pig production during the last six to ten years were studied in case of Farme Ihan d. d., the Slovenian pig producer. At the beginning of the period, the company produced 70 to 75 thousand slaughtering pigs per year. At the end of the period the production increased to 150 thousand. As expected, the prices of pigs were reduced during that period. According to the new legislation, the large part of facilities was reconstructed and some environment protection investments were done. The production was improved: the number of weaned pigs per sow per year increased from 19.2 in 1996 to 25.48 in 2006 and reached the Danish average. The percentage of meat was increased in the same period from 52.7 % to 58.6 %. The progress in daily gain and in feed conversion ratio was moderate. To secure the access to the market, the own slaughter facility was bought and reconstructed. For the same reason, the company became shareholder of two meat processing companies. The transition period has not been finished yet. Production results may improve faster than in old EU member countries. Investment cycle has also not been finished yet. More investments, especially in environment protection are needed.

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Effect of inbreeding on loin and fat depth in hungarian landrace pigs

Zsófia Vigh, Petra Gyovai, L. Csató, Á. Bokor, J. Farkas, I. Nagy

Pedigree and field test data – collected between 1997-2005 – were analyzed in a group of 68062 Hungarian Landrace pigs. The analysed traits were loin depth (LD), fat depth1 (FD1) and fat depth2 (FD2). In the present study inbreeding coefficients, pedigree completeness (complete generation equivalents) and inbreeding depression for LD, FD1 and FD2 were estimated. Increasing number of generations that were considered in the pedigree the estimated inbreeding coefficients did not change after the 5th generation, but pedigree completeness was continuously increasing. The estimated inbreeding depression for LD, FD1 and FD2 were different applying 5 different models but the magnitude of the differences was small. Increasing inbreeding coefficient by 10% caused LD decrease by 0.084 mm, the FD1 by 0.062 mm and did not affect FD2. It can be concluded that the estimated inbreeding depression was low and substantial depression can not be expected in the near future. However, the low level of inbreeding of the studied population can partly be explained by the short pedigrees. This suggests that Hungarian pig breeders may often import breeding animals or carry out herd replacements rather than apply within group selection.

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Effect of mc4r polymorphism on physiological stress response in pigs

K. Salajpal, Marija Đikić, D. Karoly, Jadranka Šurina, M. Mataković, B. Liker

Melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) is a G-protein coupled receptor predominantly expressed in hypothalamic regions which are known for their roles in feeding behavior, energy homeostasis and HPA axis regulation. In this study, we analyzed the effect of a missense mutation (Asp298Asn) in the porcine MC4R gene on physiological stress response and carcass composition in pigs of two crosses: A (♀Duroc x ♂Swedish Landrace) x ♂Pietrain (n=25) and B (♀Swedish Landrace x ♂Large White) x ♂Pietrain (n=21). All pigs included in this study were heterozygous (Nn) for the stress syndrome gen. Blood samples were collected before loading and at exsanguinations to measure cortisol, lactate, glucose, serum enzymes activity and some haematological parameters. Because only one pig with AA genotype was observed, there was no indicated effect of this genotype on investigated parameters. The heterozygous (AG) pigs showed a lower increase (P<0.05) in CK and AST activity after exsanguinations as well as trend towards lower increase (P<0.10) in cortisol and lactate levels and higher increase (P<0.10) in RBC and haemoglobin content. Higher increase (P<0.05) in LDH activity was observed in GG homozygous pigs from group B, but not in pigs from group A. In addition, the heterozygous (AG) pigs had a higher backfat thickness and lower estimated lean (P<0.05) than homozygous (GG) pigs. These results may support a possible role of the MC4R Asp298Asn polymorphism in the genetic basis of stress response and economically important traits in pigs.

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The effect of genotype and sex on pork quality

Marjeta Furman, Špela Malovrh, Sašo Sever, Milena Kovač

The effects of genotype and sex on the most important factors for technological meat quality were analyzed. In the experiment 63 gilts and 57 barrows of three different boar genotypes (44, 54 and 74) were included. Slaughter was carried out in two groups, the first was about 100 kg and the second group was about 125 kg of live weight. After the slaughter colour of meat, pH value, drip loss and conductivity were measured and intramuscular fat was defined in laboratory. Statistical analysis of data was done with statistical package SAS/STAT with last square method where procedure for general linear models (GLM) was used. The effects were genotype, sex and carcass weight as regression. The results showed that barrows had significant higher content of intramuscular fat than gilts at 100 kg (p=0.0019) and 125 kg (p<0.0001) of live weight, respectively. In other traits sex did not have an influence. Genotype had no effect on intramuscular fat content. Genotype 74 had darker meat (lower value L*) in both groups. Genotype 44 had significant higher value a* and value b*. There were no differences between genotype in pH and conductivity in the first group. In the second group genotype 44 had lower pH value as genotype 54 (p=0.0345) and genotype 74 (p=0.0188) and higher conductivity (p=0.0004 and p=0.0001) on m. longissimus dorsi. On m. semimembranossus genotype 54 had higher pH than genotype 44 (p=0.0160) and lower than genotype 74 (p=0.0148). Drip loss on both muscles was higher in genotype 44 in the first group and higher than genotype 74 in the second group.

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The effect of high dietary fermentable carbohydrate content on the fattening performance and chemical body composition of fattening pigs

Cs. Szabó, A.J.M. Jansman, L. Babinszky, M.W.A. Verstegen

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of dietary fermentable carbohydrates (FC = faecal digestible organic matter – faecal digestible crude protein- faecal digestible crude fat – starch – sugars) on the body composition and meat quality of pigs. A total of seventy two Stamboek hybrid pigs were housed in groups of six per pen (two pens with gilts and two with barrows per treatment). Three diets were formulated with a low, medium and high FC content (63, 148, 233 g/kg in the grower diets (45-75 kg) and 67, 152, 237 g/kg in the finisher diets (75-110 kg)). Feed and water were offered ad libitum. At slaughter (110 kg LW) lean meat percentage, meat quality and chemical body composition were determined. Our data indicated, that carcass grading was improved by dietary FC. Diet with the high level of fermentable carbohydrates decreased fatness of the carcass and the organ fraction. It can be concluded that the fattening performance (FI, ADG, FCR) was not affected adversely by the high FC intake, but carcass quality in pigs could be improved. Feedstuffs high in fermentable carbohydrates can be valuable ingredients for pig diets, once their energy content has been properly estimated.

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Effects of raw soybean seeds low in antinutritional factors on growth performance, carcass quality and nitrogen excretion of heavy pigs in an organic farm

F. Tagliapietra, V. Bondesan, M. Dal Maso, Eliana Schiavon, Marianna Merenda, Annalisa Stefani, S. Schiavon

Forty eight pigs were reared in outdoor pens (1.2 ha of land surface) from 80 to 180 kg of live weight. Two isoenergetic (ME = 14.6 MJ/kg DM) and isonitrogenous (CP=17.0% DM) feeds were compared; the first feed contained 10% of toasted full-fat soybean of conventional cultivars (TS), in the second one the toasted soybean was replaced by raw full-fat soybean low in antinutritional factors (RS). The pigs were blocked in 4 groups of 12 animals each and fed ad libitum. At 0, 43, 106 days on trial pigs were weighted, back-fat thickness was measured and blood samples were collected. At slaughter, samples of ham cover fat were collected to evaluate their acidic profile. The effects of feeds on growth performance, slaughter parameters, metabolic profile and nitrogen excretion (Nex) were studied. Nex was computed as difference between consumption and retention. No significant effects were observed on growth performance, carcass quality and metabolic profile, but with RS plasma urea concentration significantly decreased with respect to TS (5.33 vs. 6.67 mmol/l; P<0.01), reflecting a lower N digestibility of RS. Results indicated that 10% of low antinutritional factors raw soybean can be used on heavy pigs without relevant effects on performance and carcass quality. N in manure averaged 22.8 kg/pig place/year (assuming 3 cycles/year). Caution should be taken in outdoor pig systems since the land is uncropped and the risks of pollution are high.

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Factors discriminating between different pork quality conditions

G. Kušec, Gordana Kralik, Ivona Đurkin, A. Petričević, Danica Hanžekl

The present study was carried out on 119 randomly chosen carcasses of barrows, slaughtered at approximately 100 kg live weight in three abattoirs form east Croatia. Main meat quality traits were measured: pHi, pHu, CIE-L* and drip loss by compression and bag method. Among investigated drip loss predictors the highest significance was found for WHC and pHu values (p<0.05). Values of pHi and CIE-L* were not statistically significant. Accuracy of classification by discriminant analysis was 58.93% correct in the class with excessive drip loss and 65.08% in the class characterized as non-exudative. Overall discrimination was approximately 62% correct. More variables, value other than 5% as threshold for exudative meat and a larger sample are suggested for the improvement of model accuracy. Two classes of samples were formed by discriminant analysis (exudative and non-exudative). Between the classes significant differences were found for pHu values and WHC (p<0.05). When pHu and WHC class means for exudative group were individually used as criteria for subsequent differentiation into meat quality groups, around 60% and 61% of the samples, respectively, were accurately characterized as exudative or non-exudative.

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Equations for lean share estimation in swine carcasses in croatia

G. Kušec, Ivona Đurkin, A. Petričević, Gordana Kralik, Zlata Maltar, V. Margeta, Danica Hanžek

The experiment was performed on 144 pig carcasses selected on the basis of backfat measures obtained by “ZP”- method. There was no stratification according to the carcass weight. One day after slaughter the carcasses were dissected by to EU reference method. The lean share was calculated by equation prescribed by European regulation (Commission Regulation No 3127/94) and estimated by six equations. The first one (MP1) is prescribed by current Croatian regulation (N.N. 119/1999) and the other five were developed on the basis of original data obtained by the experiment. The meat percentage estimated by equation MP1 differed statistically (p<0.01) from mean meat percentage obtained by EU referent method; the current formula significantly overestimates the meatiness of pig carcasses from Croatian population. Original measures of fat and muscle measured for “ZP”- method were used as independent variables in equation MP6. In order to improve the accuracy of estimation, transformed variables were used in equations MP2-MP5. Additional measure of warm carcass weight (T) was included as an independent variable to equations MP4 and MP5 but this did not improve their accuracy. Equation MP2 to MP5 satisfy the statistical criterion requested by EU regulations. The equation MP2 and MP5 can be recommended for lean share estimation in pig carcasses of Croatian pig population

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The impact of promoters and cell-line types on alternative splicing of recombinant constructs

Polona Frajman, P. Dovč

Alternative intron splicing is a process where introns are excised from pre-mRNA following different patterns. The consequence of it is a presence of several different forms of mature mRNAs differing in length and in content of the whole exons or their parts. Studies in the past decade lead to the view that a complex and extensively coupled network has evolved to coordinate the activities of gene expression pathway, which includes transcription, several pre-mRNA processing steps and the export of mature mRNA to the cytoplasm. Coupling of transcription to splicing was revealed in studies showing that transcription of pre-mRNA by different promoters can generate different alternatively spliced mRNAs. The main goal of this study was to determine the impact of different milk gene promoters on alternative splicing under in vitro conditions. Besides, we also investigated how different cell types influence the splice site selection. With this experiment, we confirmed our predictions that promoter structure and cell-type have an impact on alternative splicing. Differences were observed in quantity of transcripts, as well as in splice-site selection.

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Livestock insurance as a risk management tool on dairy farms

M. Njavro, V. Par, Draženka Pleško

Faced with fast changing environment, livestock epidemics and EU accession, risk management is of utmost importance for Croatian farmers. Insurance is risk management strategy which enables risk transfer from farmer to insurance company. It has a positive effect on income stabilization and consequently could lead to higher level of specialization, credit access and competitiveness. Nevertheless, livestock insurance is relatively unimportant on dairy farms. Reasons are twofold. Uncompleted requirements for risk to be insurable, adverse selection and moral hazard problems reflect on untoward premium rates. Demand for insurance, on the other hand, depends on the farm structure, access to other risk management instruments as well as dairy farmer’s management capacities.
The objective of the paper is to analyze risk management on dairy farms with focus on livestock insurance. Survey on 20 farmers in the Northwest Croatia has been made. Farmers’ risk perceptions, application and evaluation of risk management strategies were collected. Governmental insurance premium subsidy was also analyzed.
Survey data were analysed by descriptive statistics while decision analysis toward livestock insurance with stohastic decision tree.
European Union experiences with livestock insurance presented stand in creating suggestions for possible setting out of current constraints of livestock insurance in Croatia.

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Multiple trait analysis of genotype by environment interaction for milk yield traits in slovenian cattle

Betka Logar, Špela Malovrh, Milena Kovač

The objective of the study was to evaluate genotype by environment interaction (GxEI) for yield traits in Holstein, Simmental and Brown breed cattle in Slovenia using multiple trait analysis. Data from Slovenian milk-recording scheme was used. The lactation records on cows having first to third calving in the period 1990-2004 and milk, protein and fat yield in 305 days were studied. The variables used to characterize the environment were herd-year averages of each trait. The multiple trait analysis was done using the highest and lowest quartiles of the environments. To study the GxEI, animal model methodology and the genetic correlation between the traits were used. GxEI was generally smaller for fat and milk yield than for protein yield. The lowest genetic correlations between high and low environments were estimated for protein yield, especially in Simmental (0.81) and in Brown (0.86) breed. In Holstein the correlation was higher, 0.94. The genetic correlations for fat yield were 0.95 for Brown and Simmental breed and 0.96 for Holstein. For milk yield the estimated genetic correlations were 0.88, 0.92 and 0.96 in Brown, Simmental and Holstein breed, respectively. Differences between variance components obtained in low and high quartile result in the rank of heritabilities from 0.04 to 0.12 in low and from 0.12 to 0.22 in high quartile.

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Estimation of genetic parameters for carcass traits for simmental cattle in croatia

Marija Špehar, Špela Malovrh, Vesna Bulić, Z. Ivkić, Milena Kovač

The objective of this paper was an estimation of genetic parameters for carcass weight, conformation, fatness class and net gain for Simmental cattle in Croatia. Data of young bulls slaughtered in years 2005 and 2006 with 12 to 24 months of age was taken from the central database of the Croatian Livestock Centre. Three data sets were constructed as follows: 1) data set 1 (DS1) included 80462 records of bulls with known and unknown parents; 2) data set 2 (DS2) had 26245 records of bulls with at least one known parents; 3) data set 3 (DS3) with 6272 records of bulls slaughtered between 12 and 14 months of age.
Pedigree for DS1 included a total of 118595 animals, 70415 animals and 19319 animals in pedigree for DS2 and DS3, respectively. Variance components were estimated by REML method as implemented in the VCE-5 program package. Statistical model included region, calving season, abattoir-supervisor interaction as fixed class effects and slaughter age as quadratic regression. Direct additive genetic effect was included in the model as random effect. For carcass weight heritability estimates were 0.10 ± 0.006, 0.13 ± 0.02 and 0.11 ± 0.03 for DS1, DS2 and DS3, respectively. Heritability estimates for net gain were 0.09 ± 0.006, 0.16 ± 0.03 and 0.13 ± 0.03, and for carcass conformation were 0.05 ± 0.006, 0.03 ± 0.01 and 0.05 ± 0.006 for DS1, DS2 and DS3, respectively. Results attained indicate that DS2 can be used for genetic evaluation of the Simmental carcass traits in Croatia. However, in the future more improvement should be done, concerning the constitution of contemporary groups, and special attention should be given to data collection.

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Results of beef carcass grading in slovenia from 1997 to 200

Nežika Petrič, M. Čepon, S. Žgur

Carcass traits (carcass weight, conformation and fatness note and payment class) were collected in the commercial slaughterhouses with automatic data collection for the last ten years. On the average more than 80 % of all graded bovine animals in Slovenia were taken into the study. The average carcass weight of calves increased by 20 kg, but was with 79 kg still very low. The carcass weight of young bulls, heifers and cows varied among different years, but no trend could be noticed, whereas carcass weight of old bulls decreased markedly (more than 50 kg). The carcass conformation decreased in all categories, in calves, young bulls and heifers by two thirds and in old bulls and cows by more than 0.9 of conformation class. The carcass fatness decreased in all categories too. The most pronounced decrease was noticed in the category of old bulls (0.6 class) and the least in young bulls (0.2 class). Most of the above mentioned changes occurred after the year 2002 in the category of cows and after the year 2001 in all other categories. The main reasons for changes in conformation and fatness were probably the changes in cattle breed structure in Slovenia.

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Meat quality from charolais bulls fed diets with different levels of corn silage inclusion

G. Cozzi, A. Mazzenga

A sample of 6 intensive beef farms was selected according to the feeding plan adopted during the fattening period of Charolais bulls. Two farms did not include any corn silage in the diet (CS0), while corn silage represented 22% of the dietary DM in the second group of 2 farms (CS22), and it raised up to 44% of the dietary DM in the last 2 farms (CS44). Five bulls were randomly selected from each farm to be slaughtered in the same abattoir. Bulls age was similar across treatments but the CS44 bulls had a lower carcass weight (396 kg) than the other two treatments (436 and 446 kg for CS0 and CS22, respectively). Carcass fleshiness (SEUROP) and fatness scores were not affected by the level of corn silage in the diet. Meat quality was evaluated on a joint sample of the m. Longissimus thoracis, excised from the 5th to the 9th rib of each right half carcass 24 h post-mortem, after an ageing period of 10 d vacuum packaged at 4°C. Meat chemical analysis showed no variations in pH, DM, intramuscular fat and protein content due to the different silage inclusion in the diet. Only the cholesterol content was progressively reduced in the meat of bulls fed increasing quantities of corn silage according to a significant negative linear trend. Meat colour, cooking losses and shear force values were not affected by the diet. Therefore, based on these findings there are no substantial arguments against the use of a large amount of corn silage in the fattening diets of Charolais bulls.

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Behavioural response to different climatic conditions of beef cattle in intensive rearing systems

Marta Brscic, Flaviana Gottardo, A. Mazzenga, G. Cozzi

The study aimed to evaluate the behaviour of beef cattle reared in intensive systems in northern Italy under different climatic conditions. In particular, it considered 3 levels of THI (Temperature-Humidity-Index) in order to evaluate the coping response to heat stress conditions regarding changes of beef cattle nutritional and social behaviours, drinking frequency and resting time. Behavioural observations were carried out from July to October 2005, during hot (THI above 78), mild (THI 76) and cool (THI below 72) conditions, on 24 finishing French crossbred bulls. The animals were housed in 6 fully slatted floor group pens of 4 bulls each. Within each class of THI, behaviours were recorded in two sessions of 24 hours using a 5 minute interval scan sampling technique. A focal animal was chosen in order to count the number of visits at the waterer. Results showed that eating behaviour was maximum during the first 8 hours after fresh feed delivery. However, in the same interval, when THI was above 78, eating activity was penalized while an increase of ruminating was observed. The overall number of visits at the waterer was increased by the heat stress condition and they were mainly concentrated in the hottest hours of the day. Hot environment also affected beef cattle social behaviour increasing agonistic interactions and mounts among penmates. Since heat stress affected bulls behaviour impairing their welfare, the adoption of cooling devices should be recommended.

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Inbreeding and inbreeding depression in slovenian holstein population

K. Potočnik, M. Štepec, J. Krsnik

Analysis of inbreeding and inbreeding depression was done on the data of routine breeding value estimation for milk production data on Holstein population in Slovenia. A pedigree file of 106 433 animals born from 1952 to 2005 was investigated for the occurrence of inbreeding. The maximum inbreeding was 37.5. However average inbreeding coefficients of inbred cows (1.3 %) and of all cows with test day records (0.989 %) were low. Daily milk, protein, and fat yield of first five lactation for 86 122 cows were analyzed. Inbreeding was included in the animal model as a linear covariate. The regression coefficients of milk, fat, and protein yield, multiplied with 305 days present inbreeding depression of lactation yields, were -22.17 kg, -0.601 kg and -0.387 kg respectively, for 1 % of inbreeding.

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Factors affecting actual and adjusted 90-day, 205-day and 365-day weight of charolais calves

Mojca Simčič, M. Čepon

Body weights on 90 ± 45 days and 205 ± 45 days are body weights used for selection in suckler herds, likewise body weight on 365 ± 45 days are used for selection in performance test according to the Slovenian rules for recording in animal production, which is based on the International Committee for Animal Recording – ICAR. Dilemma which body weights are more suitable: the actual, or the adjusted ones at the recommended age of calves is often present. Comparison between fixed effects on actual and on adjusted 90-day, 205-day and 365-day weights of Charolais calves have been studied. Calves (320) were born from 1995 to 2005 on Educational and Research Animal Husbandry Centre Logatec (Slovenia). Fixed effects of sex, parity, year of birth and birth weight were included in a model for the actual and adjusted body weights. Birth weight was included as linear regression. It has been concluded that parameters affected the actual body weights affected adjusted body weights, too. Birth weight and year of birth influenced 90-day, 205-day and 365-day weight. Parity influenced only 90-day weight, while sex influenced 205-day and 365-day weight. Coefficients of determination for adjusted 90-day weight (0.38), 205-day weight (0.38) and 365-day weight (0.73) were higher than for actual body weights (0.20, 0.30 and 0.60, respectively).

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Effect of feed processing on volatile fatty acid production rates measured with 13c-acetate in grazing lactating dairy cows

R. Tothi, H.Z.H. Taweel, S. Tamminga

The effect of processed cereal grain supplementation on volatile fatty acid (VFA) production rates of grazing, lactating Holstein-Friesian cows were measured in a 5×5 Latin square experiment. The experimental treatments were as follows: control (only grazing, no supplement addition, NS), pelleted barley (PB), pelleted maize (PM), toasted and subsequently pelleted barley (TPB), and toasted and subsequently pelleted maize (TPM) as supplements. An isotope dilution technique using stable isotope of carbon (13C) as an internal marker was employed for the estimation of VFA production. At the beginning of a 3-hour long allowed grazing time, 100 mg of 99% enriched 13C2 Na-acetate were introduced in the rumen and repeated after grazing with 50 mg isotope, after which the cows were starved for 6 hours until evening milking. During grazing disappearance rate (kdis) and production rate (kprod) of acetate, propionate and butyrate were significantly higher (P≤0.05) in supplemented than in NS cows. Moreover the effect of barley grain and pelleting treatment was higher than the effect of maize grain and toasting. During starvation significantly higher (P≤0.05) kdis and kprod of VFAs were observed in PM and TPM treatments. Total VFA production for the experimental period (grazing + starvation) were 49.5, 78.7, 69.9, 88.5, 80.8 mol/day for NS, PB, TPB, PM and TPM, respectively. The higher VFA productions measured in supplemented animals emphasis the extensive digestion that occurs in the rumen after feeding processed grains. In methodological terms, 13C2 Na-acetate labelling appears to be a useful means for examining the VFA acetate production in ruminants.

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Fat tissue distribution between subcutaneous and intermuscular fat tissue in simmental and brown bulls

S. Žgur, M. Čepon

Simmental and Brown bulls from progeny testing station were used to evaluate the effect of breed on fat tissue partition between subcutaneous and intermuscular fat. Bulls (37 Brown and 34 Simmental breed) were slaughtered at the same degree of fatness. After slaughter carcasses were first cut into different carcass cuts and further on into lean meat, fat, bones and tendons. Fat was divided up into subcutaneous and intermuscular. Simmental bulls were heavier (average cold carcass side weight from Simmental bulls was 167 kg vs 147 kg from Brown bulls) at the same percentage of total carcass fat (10.5 %). Breed has no effect on percentage of subcutaneous and intermuscular fat tissue nor on percentage of subcutaneous fat from total carcass fat. Simmental bulls had higher (p<0.05) subcutaneous fat percentage (subcutaneous fat in the cut / total fat in the cut) in brisket and flank and lower (p<0.05) in shoulder than Brown bulls.

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Genetic and productive characterization of the burlina cattle breed

Chiara Dalvit, R. Dal Zotto, M. De Marchi, M. Cassandro

The Burlina (BUR) is a local Italian cattle breed, its main feature is to be a small sized animal well adapted to live in difficult environment such as mountain areas. Nowadays only 350 cows are enrolled in the Italian Herd Book due to its substitution by more productive breeds. This study proposes a phenotypic and genetic characterization of the BUR breed in comparison with Holstein Friesian (HFR) and Brown Swiss (BSW). The comparison of productive traits showed lower production than HFR and BSW as well as longer productive life and more favourable reproductive traits in BUR animals. The genetic analyses, performed by microsatellites markers, showed the high level of heterozygosity and the genetic distinctiveness of BUR. These findings approve the feasibility of a conservation scheme and suggest the profitability of breeding BUR, especially in difficult environment where the low production can be compensated by longevity and the economic loss by the added value of its typical dairy production.

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Genetic analysis of pure arabian breeding in the republic of croatia

M. Čačić, N. Korabi, Mirjana Baban, D. Jakšić

Pure arab breeding in the Republic of Croatia has very long tradition. Till the 18th century organized breeding was implemented only in bishop Stud Farm Đakovo. Afterwards pure arab breeding was implemented in many private Stud Farms mostly located in Slavonian and Srijem region. Pure arab, traditional arab and araber (arabrasse) population of horses make together arabian breeding in the Republic of Croatia. Numerical strength of these three populations has increasing trend through out the years. First imports which were ground for foundation of pure arab breeding in Croatia realized in year 1991. Today, population of pure arab breeding count 37 head, from which 28 is imported and 9 born in Croatia. Pedigree depth in 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 generation show average coefficient of inbreeding of 1.899%, 3.15%, 4.413%, 5.434%, 6.243%, 6.974% and 7.552%. According to genealogy in all pedigree depths, coefficient of inbreeding was higher (P < 0.01) in imported arab horses than in those born in Croatia.

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Evaluation of growth and carcass traits between 42 and 58 days of age in chickens divergently selected for body weight

D. Terčič, S. Žgur, J. Salobir, Antonija Holcman

The effect of divergent selection for high (H) or low (L) body weight at eight weeks of age for 25 generations on growth and carcass traits between 42 and 58 days of age was studied. The chicks were reared in individual cages under standard management conditions. Selection for low 8-week body weight has resulted in higher relative body weight increase for the period from 42 to 58 days of age compared to chickens from the high line. Body weight increased by about 72 % in the low line and by about 56 and 44 %, respectively in the males and females in the high line. In both lines of chickens dressing out percentage and the percentage of abdominal, subcutaneous and total fat increased with body weight, whereas percentage of m. pectoralis superficialis and m. pectoralis profundus remained roughly constant. Percentage of skin decreased with increasing of body weight. In both lines females had a higher percentage of total fat than males. There was evidence that total fat content increased independently of animal body weight with a certain age. Fixed age comparisons of feed conversion ratios showed no differences in feed conversion between the two divergently selected lines of chicks.

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Impact of phytase supplementation on the calcium and phosphorous retention in high producing layers

J. Tossenberger, V. Halas, B. Méhész, I. Kühn, L. Babinszky

The calcium and phosphorous retention of layers was evaluated at different production levels (45 – 75 – 95 % of final production peak) with Hy-Line Brown hybrid layers during the first twelve weeks of the laying cycle. 32 layers evenly distributed over 4 treatments (Trts). The Ca content of the diets was identical across all Trts (32,5 g/kg), while P contents and phytase activities differed. In the first Trt the P content of the diet was 2.5 g/kg non-phytate P, without any phytase added. In the second Trt the P content of the diet was reduced by 40 % compared to Trt 1 (1.5 g/kg non-phytate P) without phytase supplementation. In the third and fourth Trts the P content of the diets was the same as in 2 (1.5 g/kg non-phytate P) but the diets were supplemented with phytase (3-phytase produced by trichoderma reesei) at a rate of 250 PPU/kg (Trt 3) and 500 PPU/kg (Trt 4), respectively. According to the results the different P content of the diets affected (P≤0.05) the rate of Ca retention at all trial phases. In the case of reduced P level diets the different phytase inclusion rates did not influence the amount of Ca retained by the birds (P≥0.05). Within the same Trt Ca retention increased (P≤0.05) with increased production intensity. At reduced P content phytase improved (P≤0.05) the P retention of the layers at all trial phases. There was no difference between both phytase application rates. As a result of phytase supplementation P retention reached the P retention of positive control birds (Trt 1) in all trial phases.

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