
Poljoprivreda, Vol. 12, No. 2

Datum izdavanja: Prosinac 2007.

ISSN: 1330-7142

UDK: 633.854.78 : 664.3

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Growth evaluation of turkey heavy hybrid by means of asymmetric s-function

Z. Škrtić, Gordana Kralik, Zlata Gajčević

The research into growth characteristics of turkey hybrid was carried out on 60 one-day-old turkeys (30 toms and 30 hens) of Nicholas 700 provenience. The research lasted for 19 weeks. Each turkey was marked with a leg ring. During the experiment, turkeys were fed commercial mixtures. Evaluation of the inflection point and of separate growth phases was obtained by means of asymmetric S-function (Kralik and Scitovski, 1993).
End weight of turkey toms was higher than the one of hens by 34.63% (14811±906 g : 11005±993 g). Differences in final weights between sexes, as well as in weights over the whole fattening period were statistically highly significant (P<0.001). Average absolute and relative gains (gain rates) of toms in comparison to hens were 776 g and 12.45%, and 567 g and 12.11%, respectively.
By the parameters of asymmetric S-function, intensification of progressive growth phase in turkey toms started after the 5th week, and in turkey hens it was prolonged for several days. Determined biological maximum in toms was 17.966 kg, and in hens 12.889 kg. Intensive growth of hens lasted up to the beginning of the 15th week, while toms grew intensively up to the end of the 15th week. Positions of the inflection point in hens were determined at the beginning of the 10th week, and in toms in the middle of that week.

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The effect of production system and weaning on lamb carcass traits and meat characteristics of autochthonous jezersko-solčava breed

Angela Cividini, D. Kompan, S. Žgur

Thirty-two Jezersko-Solčava lambs were used in a 2X2 factorial design to evaluate the effect of production system (fattening in stable with hay and cereals ad libitum or on the pasture) and weaning (suckling or weaned lambs) on carcass and meat traits of lambs. Suckling lambs were slaughtered at 125 days of age (30 kg of live weight) and weaned lambs were slaughtered at 165 days (38 kg of live weight). No significant differences in daily gain and dressing percentage compared to the production system or weaning were observed. Lambs from pasture had greater percentage of liver, heart and spleen. They had longer and wider carcasses and lower carcass fatness as indicated by lower percentage of kidney fat (1.16 vs. 1.99) and lower percentage of fat in leg than lambs from stable. They also had higher percentage of shoulder and leg and lower percentage of back, loin and rib with flank. Production system also affected meat color. Lambs from pasture had higher CIE L, a and b values of Longissimus dorsi muscle. Mostly, weaning influenced carcass fatness and related traits. Suckling lambs had lower fatness score (4.94 vs. 6.25), lower percentage of kidney fat and fat in leg (8.66 vs. 10.31) and lower percentage of rib with flank than weaned lambs. Meat from suckling lambs was also of lighter colour. There was no significant interaction between production system and weaning on studied carcass or meat traits.

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Effects of floor type and stocking density on the behaviour modes of growing rabbits

Gabriella Jekkel, G. Milisits, I. Nagy

The experiment was carried out with 120 Pannon White growing rabbits, which were reared from 5 to 11 weeks of age on four types of floor:
1. wire net floor from 5 to 11 weeks of age,
2. wire net floor from 5 to 7 weeks of age, and straw litter thereafter,
3. wire net floor from 5 to 9 weeks of age, and straw litter thereafter,
4. straw litter from 5 to 11 weeks of age.
In each group three different stocking densities (8, 12 and 16 rabbits/m²) were used. As for the rabbits 24-hours video recordings were made every week on the same day. The actual behavioral form of each rabbit was recorded in every 10 minutes. Based on the results it was found out, that the frequency of eating decreased, when wire net floor was changed to straw litter. The frequency of drinking was less than 0.5% in the 1st experimental group and mostly higher than 1% in the other three groups during the whole rearing period. The moving activity of the rabbits was higher on the straw litter, while resting was observed more often on the wire net floor.

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Nirs prediction for protein and intramuscular fat content of rabbit hind leg meat

Gy. Bázár, Z. Princz, Gabriella Jekkel, L.. Locsmándi, Gabriella Andrássy-Baka, Gy. Kövér, Zs. Szendrő, R. Romvári

The goal of this study was to develop calibration equations to predict the chemical composition of raw, homogenized rabbit meat by means of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). 44 Pannon White rabbits were housed in groups in three different pen types (16 anim./m2), and were fed the same diet. Another 45 animals were housed in cages (12 anim./m2) and fed by different feeding regimes. Rabbits were slaughtered at the bodyweight of 2.4-2.5 kg. Homogenized fresh and freeze-dried left total hind leg muscles were investigated by NIRS using a NIRSystem 6500 equipment with small ring cup sample holder. The ether extract and protein content of all samples were determined chemically. Samples 44 of housing experiment were applied in producing LOCAL calibration equations tested on the 45 samples from the separate feeding experiment. Coefficients of determination (R2) of the predictions were 0.89 and 0.99 for fat, 0.85 and 0.96 for protein in fresh and freeze-dried samples, respectively. Results are reassuring, because the equations were applicable, however the analyzed samples were from independent housing and feeding systems. Therefore the chemical compositions differed in the two datasets, i.e. 9.46%, and 11.79% for fat, 85.75% and 83.44% for protein content in calibration and prediction datasets, respectively. The average of NIRS predicted values for fat and protein was 11.36%, 83.88% or 11.54%, 83.45% when using fresh or freeze-dried samples, respectively.

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Chironomus plumosus larvae – a suitable nutrient for freshwater farmed fish

I. Bogut, Elizabeta Has-Schön, Z. Adámek, Valentina Rajković, Dalida Galović

Crude protein, fat, water, ash, dry matter and essential amino and fatty acids were analyzed from freshly collected Chironomus plumosus larvae in order to evaluate their suitability as a component for farmed fish diet. The analyses were performed in intact living organisms and in the dry matter. Essential amino acids were determined by LKB 4101 automatic analyzer, while fatty acids were determined by Chronopack CP 9000 chromatograph with flame ionization detector. Crude protein content was 7.6% and 55.7% in fresh larvae and dry matter, respectively, being a value adequate for growth needs of all freshwater fish sorts and categories. Most essential amino acids in fresh larvae and dry matter are present in quantities adequate for feeding majority of omnivorous and carnivorous freshwater fish species. Crude fat content was 1.3% and 9.7% in fresh larvae and dry matter, respectively, being energetically sufficient for all warm-water living fish. The crude fat contains 26.12% saturated, 30.42% monounsaturated and 34.03% polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Among the highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA), the most abundant is linolenic (7.21%), followed by eicosapentanoic (4.36%), docosahexaenoic (2.49%) and docosapentaenoic (1.16%) acid. The measured quantity of ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids (essential for omnivorous fish), as well as ω-6 to ω-3 fatty acid ratio (0.81), completely meets nutritional requirements of carp and tench.

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Allometric growth of tissues in pig hams

V. Margeta, Gordana Kralik, G. Kušec, U. Baulain

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of MHS genotype on growth and development of muscle and fatty tissue in pig hams. The investigation was performed on 72 barrows divided into 4 groups according to genotype (NN and Nn) and feeding regime (standard and intensive). The data for analyses were collected by MRT imaging; the coefficients of allometric growth were calculated using simple allometric function. The allometric growth coefficients of muscle and fatty tissue showed that muscle tissue grow proportionally with the increase of live weight (b≈1), while fatty tissue grow faster compared to the live weight increase (b>1). The differences in allometric growth coefficients calculated for muscle and fatty tissues in the hams of investigated pigs were not statistically significant between the feeding groups and between the genotypes either (P>0.05).

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Pork carcass composition and the meat quality of the black slavonian pig – the endangered breeds in the indoor and outdoor keeping system

Danijela Butko, Đ. Senčić, Z. Antunović, Marcela Šperanda, Z. Steiner

The research has been made on 20 Black Slavonian Pigs in both ways of keeping them (indoor, outdoor). The pigs have been fed up to 135 kg body weight. The pigs in the outdoor system have been held on a natural pasture ground. Other than pasture, the pigs have consumed, over the summer period, the food offered on stubble-fields after the harvest (barley, wheat) and over the winter times after corn harvest. They had only minimal corn consumption; mostly during the winter (average daily consumption was 0.15 kg). Dissection of cold (+40C) right sided pig body composition has been made by the modified Weniger et al (1963) method. The meat quality has been determined on a long back muscle sample (musculus longissimus dorsi- MLD) taken berween 13th and 14th rib. The pig carcasses in the outdoor system had a very significant (P<0.01) absolute and relative leg share, less belly-rib share and higher meat quantity. Commercially, more valuable parts-legs and back had a greater share of muscle tissue in pigs’ carcasses in the outdoor system. The meat of the pigs in the outdoor system had no signifficant differences from the pigs in the indoor system, concerning the pH1, pH2, water holding capacity, colour and marbling. However, the meat of the pigs in the outdoor system had higher content of crude fat from the pigs in the indoor system.

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Characteristics of femur and humerus in turopolje pig – an autochthonous croatian breed

Marija Đikić, K. Salajpal, D. Karolyi, D. Đikić, Marija Pavić, I. Jurić

Since 1996, Turopolje pig breed–autochthonous Croatian breed has been in the state of renewal and protection. The size of breeding population was 137 sows and 13 boars in 2006. The aim of this study was to present some bones characteristics of femur and humerus (weight, length, circumference, diameters of diaphysis and epiphysis proximalis and distalis) of the hogs of Turopolje pig breed (T) in comparison to selected pigs, Swedish Landrace breed (SL) and Hypor (Hy) pigs. The hogs T (n=19, live weight 100.3±4.9 kg) were produced by traditional Croatian technologies of low feed input in outdoor system. The selected hogs (SL and Hy, n=62 and 53, live weight 103.3±5.3 and 104±5.8 kg) were produced by conventional technologies of fattening in large farm. Characteristics of femur and humerus at hogs T were as follows: weights 271.4 and 256.6 g, length 202.0 and 194.9 mm, diameters of epiphysis proximalis 58.3 and 67.9 mm, and epiphysis distalis 49.0 and 42.0 mm, the minimum and maximum diameters of diaphysis 19.0 and 18.9 mm and 23.0 and 25.8 mm and circumference of diaphysis 78.1 and 77.0 mm. Significantly higher values for all traits of femur and humerus except for length and circumference of diaphysis were found in hogs SL and Hy. The length of both femur and humerus were significantly higher in T than in SL and Hy pigs. The results should be the contribution to explanation of carcass composition and distribution of tissues in the carcass of Turopolje pig breed

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Influence of finishing diet on fatty acid profile of longissimus muscle of black slavonian pigs

D. Karolyi, K. Salajpal, G. Kiš, Marija Đikić, I. Jurić

Regarding nutritional recommendations for humans, pork in general has too high ratio of n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The n-6/n-3 index is particularly high if animals were intensively fed concentrate feeds, because the cereals like corn are rich in linoleic acid (C18:2 n-6). Traditional Black Slavonian pig production is an outdoor grazing system, which includes utilization of the natural resources of pasture and oak woodland with supplement of small amounts of corn or some other grains. However, fattening with corn-based concentrate mixtures before slaughter is common. In this study, the influence of finishing diet of acorn or corn-based mixture on fatty acid profile of longissimus muscle of Black Slavonian pigs was investigated. The indication of beneficial effects of acorn was found when Black Slavonian pigs were fed acorn instead of concentrate feed during pre-slaughter fattening. Feeding acorn ad libitum for a period of three weeks prior slaughter significantly increased the content of alpha linolenic acid (C18:3 n-3) in the longissimus muscle in comparison to concentrate fed pigs (0.37 vs. 0.12, respectively; expressed as % of total fatty acid methyl esters, P ≤ 0.01). As a consequence, the n-6/n-3 ratio in the muscle of acorn finishing pigs was nearly threefold lower than in concentrate finishing pigs (24.1 vs. 69.3, P ≤ 0.01).

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Effects of low antinutritional factors raw full-fat soybean on beef cattle feeding. infra-vitam performance

Silvia Miotello, F. Tagliapietra, A. Simonetto, V. Bondesan, Lucia Bailoni

The aim of this trial was to evaluate the effects of different sources of soybean on the infra-vitam performance of fattening beef cattle. The animals (56 Limousine) were divided, according to BW (287±17 kg), in 4 experimental groups: LAFS (raw full-fat soybean low in antinutritional factors); SBM (soybean meal); TS (toasted full-fat soybean); NTS (non toasted full-fat soybean). The animals were fed a basal diet (TMR) (DM:59.5%; CP:9.3%DM; NDF:33.9%DM; starch:34.9%DM) supplemented as top dressing with different sources of soybeans in order to reach the same amount of additional CP (473 g/d). To obtain isoenergetic diets, calcium soap of palm fat (234 g/d) was also added to SBM group. Animals were weighed monthly, DM intake was calculated daily and two blood samplings were collected. No metabolic disorders or pathological events were observed during the experiment. The daily gains of the first 6 months were not significantly different among the 4 experimental groups (on the average 1.35 ± 0.25 kg/d). DM intake values in the same period were similar (8.57 ± 0.78 kg/d of DM). The soybean supplementation did not affect the metabolic parameters (calculated as differences between the sampling times) except for the *-glutamyl-transferase (P<0.01), the total plasma protein and globulin (P<0.05). The preliminary results of this experiment can indicate no significant effects of soybean antinutritional factors on the infra-vitam performances of beef cattle during the first fattening period.

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Alpine farm scale investigations of the relationships between productive system and quality of dairy products

Segato S., Stefania Balzan, Carla Azzurra Elia, Ariadne Granata, Laura Lignitto, S. Tenti, I. Andrighetto, E. Novelli

Alpine dairy farming is shifted from an extensive activity based on pasture and low genetic merit cow to an intensive system with specialized breeds and increasing level of concentrate as a supplement in the diet. As a main consequence, a lower echo-compatibility could determine adverse externalities on environment and quality of dairy products. Considering 18 dairy farming located in the mountain area of Veneto Region (Italy), the Environmental Summarizing Indicator (ESI) was estimated by using agronomic and dairying variables. Results indicated that variability of ESI was manly due to productive performance of dairy cows probably because there was a lack of information in the assessment of pasture characteristics. However, higher level of ESI were closely related to the increase of N-phile species and/or less attractive vegetation for grazing cows, even if the indicator seems to explain only a limited part of the variability of the phenomenon. The increase of ESI values seemed to lead to a loss of nutritive value of milk because of the incidence of health favourable fatty acids was reduced.

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Changes in fatty acid composition of different milk products caused by different technology

Rozália Veronika Salamon, Katalin Lóki, Szidónia Salamon, P. Sára, Beáta Albert, Z. Mándoki, Jánosné Csapó, Anikó Győri, Z. Győri, J. Csapó

The fatty acid composition of cow’s milk with fat contents of 3.6%, Dalia cheese with fat contents of 44%, butter with fat contents of 80% and margarine with fat contents of 24% was determined after a heat treatment performed on cooking plate and microwave treatment, respectively of different durations. The biggest difference was obtained for oleic acid and elaidic acid since, with the exception of the margarine, in each case proportion of the cis-configurated oleic acid decreased while that of the trans-configurated elaidic acid increased. For all of the other fatty acids in the foodstuffs examined no such differences were obtained regarding change in fatty acid composition whose differences could influence healthy nutrition to considerable extent. Therefore we can take it as a fact that neither heat treatment performed on a traditional cooking plate nor microwave treatment affects considerably the composition of food fats.

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Effect of microorganisms on free amino acid and free d-amino acid contents of various dairy products

Csilla Albert, Gabriella Pohn, Katalin Lóki, Szidónia Salamon, Beáta Albert, P. Sára, Z. Mándoki, Jánosné Csapó, J. Csapó

Free amino acid and free D-amino acid contents of milk samples with different microorganism numbers and composition of dairy products produced from them were examined. Total microorganism number of milk samples examined varied from 1.25×106 to 2.95×106. It was established that concentration of both free D-amino acids and free L-amino acids increased with an increase in microorganism number. However, increase in D-amino acid contents was higher considering its proportion. There was a particularly significant growth in the microorganism number range from 1.5×106 to 2.9×106. Based on analysis of curds and cheese samples produced using different technologies we have come to the conclusion that for fresh dairy products and for those matured over a short time there was a close relation between total microorganism number and free D-amino acid and free L-amino acid contents. At the same time it was found that the ratio of the enantiomers was not affected by the total microorganism number. For dairy products, however, where amino acid production capability of the microbial cultures considerably exceeds, production of microorganisms originally present in the milk raw material, free amino acid contents of the milk product (both D- and L-enantiomers) seem to be independent of the composition of milk raw material.

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Genetic characterisation of italian chicken breeds using a panel of twenty microsatellite markers

E. Zanetti, Chiara Dalvit, M. De Marchi, R. Dal Zotto, M. Cassandro

Genetic relationships among four Veneto native breeds of chickens were studied on the basis of microsatellites polymorphisms. A total of 190 DNA samples (45 Robusta Lionata, 43 Robusta Maculata, 45 Ermellinata di Rovigo, 45 Pèpoi) and a commercial broiler line (12 Golden Comet) were genotyped at 20 microsatellite loci. The average number of alleles per locus was 5 and the expected heterozygosity resulted lower for the local breeds than for the commercial broiler line used as reference. The inbreeding coefficient showed a deficit of heterozygotes, highest for the Robusta Lionata breed. Nei’s standard genetic distances corrected for bias due to sampling of individuals (Da), based on allele frequencies, and Reynolds distances (DReynolds) were calculated among breeds. The Robusta Lionata and Robusta Maculata resulted very similar approving the same genetic origin. A Neighbor-Joining tree drawn from DReynolds distances clustered three groups, one including the Robusta Lionata and Robusta Maculata breeds, the second one formed by the Ermellinata di Rovigo and the Golden Comet commercial line and the third by the Pèpoi. The results showed the genetic differences occurring between the local chicken breeds.

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Effect of polydextrose and κ-carrageenan on initial freezing point of chicken surimi

D. Kovačević, K. Mastanjević, Kristina Suman, Lindita Qetay

Initial freezing points (Ti) of chicken surimi samples mixed with sodium tripolyphosphate (w = 0.3%), κ-carrageenan (w = 0.5 %) and different mass fractions of polydextrose (w = 1 -10%) were determined by use of differential thermal analysis (DTA). Chicken surimi was produced following a modified procedure of Dawson et al. (1988.) from broiler (Sasso, 12 weeks, 1.73 kg live wt.). Water content in chicken surimi was 84.05% before mixing with added substances. Relations between decrease of the initial freezing point (Ti) as function of mass fractions (w) of the polydextrose were determined by linear regression. Coefficients of determination R2 = 0.90 were obtained. There were differences in the Ti values for samples of chicken surimi and water solution of polydextrose as a function of the mass fraction of polydextrose calculated on the total mass of water. These findings support the assumption that polydextrose interacts with chicken surimi proteins, resulting in an increase in the mass fraction of bound water, which depresses Ti. The results are compared with results for chicken surimi with added different mass fractions of polydextrose (w = 1 -10%) but without κ-carrageenan and with Pham model for prediction Ti.

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Phenotypic traits in zagorje turkey

Z. Janječić, S. Mužic

Production of turkeys in the region of Hrvatsko zagorje began in second half of 16th century, when there was a little influence of other turkey breeds from other region. Recently, interest for protection and preservation of autochthonous poultry breeds in Croatia is growing and in that sense this investigation was set to determine the phenotypic traits of Zagorje turkey. One hundred 10-month old turkeys (5 males and 20 females of four strains (bronze, black, grey and pale) were measured, while egg production data were collected by a poll among the breeders. Average body weight of bronze, black, grey and pale strain males were 7.08, 6.88, 6.10 and 6.09 kg, respectively, while in females the average values were 4.02, 4.07, 3.63, and 3.68 kg. Generally, according to body measures of male birds, other than body weight, of all of the strains of Zagorje turkey, the black one is the biggest, as it had the highest values for body length, length of sternum, length of drumstick, length of shank, depth of chest and head measures. At the same time, the bronze strain had the highest value for carcass width. Body measures mentioned previously were not so different in females. Number of reared chicks was lowest in the pale strain. From the body measures assessed it is possible to conclude that Zagorje turkeys are rather uniform within the strain but differences in most of the breed traits are present between the strains, especially in males of bronze and black strain, when compared to gray and pale strain.

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Applicability of the tobec method in selection of hen’s eggs based on their composition

G. Milisits, Emese Kovács, L. Locsmándi, A. Szabó, Gabriella Andrássy-Baka, Gabriella Jekkel, R. Romvári

Applicability of the TOBEC method (electrical conductivity) was tested for the in vivo determination of different egg components and for the separation of eggs with different composition. Altogether 300 hen’s eggs – originated from a 36 weeks old ROSS-308 hybrid parent stock – were measured by TOBEC, and the extreme and average 5-5% – based on the measured values – were chosen for chemical analysis. It was established that the albumen/yolk ratio and the dry matter, crude protein and crude fat content of the eggs are in medium correlation with the E-value/egg weight ratio (r=0.47, -0.58, -0.59 and -0.35 respectively). The albumen/yolk ratio, the dry matter and the crude protein content of the eggs, selected for high and low E-value/egg weight ratio, differed significantly at P<0.05 level. The difference between the average crude fat content of the eggs in the two extreme groups was significant at P<0.10 level.

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The use of ultrasonography to predict carcass composition in kids

V. Cadavez, Sandra Rodrigues, A. Teixeira

The objective of this work was to analyse the use of ultrasounds to predict carcass composition in kids. Twenty kids from Serrana Portuguese local breed with a mean live weight of 12.6 ± 2.99 kg were scanned by ultrasonography to determine longissimus muscle depth (LD), subcutaneous fat thickness (SF) between the 12th and 13th vertebrae (D12), 1st and 2nd (L1) and 3rd and 4th (L3) lumbar vertebra and breast bone tissue thickness at 1st (BT1), 2nd (BT2), 3rd (S3) and 4th (BT4) sternebrae. Lambs were slaughtered after 24-h fasting and carcasses were cooled at 4 ºC for 24 hours. Carcass left side was dissected into muscle, subcutaneous fat, intermuscular fat and bone and remainder (major blood vessels, ligaments, tendons, and thick connective tissue sheets) associated with some muscles. Tissues measurements plus hot carcass weight were fitted as independent variables to predict carcass composition by stepwise regression analysis. Models developed 96.7% of muscle, 64.6% of subcutaneous fat, 95.0% of intermuscular fat, and 85.0% of bone weight variation, respectively. Ultrasound measurements were admitted in the models, improving the determination coefficient (R2) and reducing the residual standard deviation. The HCW and tissues measurements taken by ultrasounds in live kids can be used to develop models to predict carcass composition at slaughter-house level.

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Reconstruction of existing livestock feed production plants by adding a hydraulic adder

D. Kiš, T. Jurić, N. Voća, Duška Čurić, M. Mandurić

Recipes determine the quality of livestock feed and the hydraulic adders are one of the elements determining if the given recipe will be carried out. Generally, construction of existing adders does not allow accomplishment of that aim i.e. they do not meet recipe requirements. Consequently, researches which determined deviations in ingredient adding present with existing adders and with the experimental hydraulic adder were conducted. The research was conducted for two years (2005 and 2006) in two livestock feed factories in the Republic of Croatia on samples of feed mixtures for pigs weighing up to 15 and 25 kilos. Relative error was the means for comparison of weighing deviations between the hydraulic adder and the adders powered by means of an electric motor. Research results indicate that none of the two observed livestock feed production plants in 30 repetitions for two kinds of feed mixture showed a feed mixture weighing that would correspond to the specifications in the recipe. Additionally, hydraulic adders showed a greater precision in adding fish meal, extruded soybean and soybean meal when compared with the adders powered by means of an electric motor. However, the adders powered by means of an electric motor showed greater precision in adding corn. Based on the research results it can be concluded that using hydraulic adders instead of the adders powered by means of an electric motor will result in more accuracy in dosing ingredients with fine and middle granularity, whereas this can not be applied to dosing coarse grained ingredients.

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A model with storage limitation and simulated demand as fresh meat inventory management support

Gordana Dukić, D. Dukić, M. Sesar

An important aspect of retail outlets which offer different kinds of fresh meat is the careful planning of inventory. In this context, inventory management includes ensuring the required quantity of meat, storing it in an adequate way, and also minimizing the setup cost, holding cost, shortage cost and possible losses that might occur if the goods remain unsold. By devising and applying appropriate models companies can significantly improve their decision making connected to harmonizing the demand and different inventory costs. This paper presents an inventory model with limited storage space, characterized by the estimate of meat demand based on simulated values generated by computer from beta distribution. If the determined quantities exceed the available storage space, the Lagrange multiplier which allows for simultaneous decrease of the originally established values, could be used in the model. This eventually results in the optimum order quantity of different meat products, as well as the associated total storage costs.

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Occurrence of fascioloidosis in red deer (cervus elaphus) in baranja region in eastern croatia

T. Flirijančić, A. Opačak, A. Marinculić, Z. Janicki, Z. Puškadija, I. Bošković, B. Antunović

Fascioloidosis is a parasitic disease caused by the giant American liver fluke Fascioloides magna (Bassi, 1875). In Croatia, the first report of this disease was in January 2000, in red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) from the Tikveš Forestry in Baranja region (east Croatia). The aim of this survey was to determine the geographical distribution of fascioloidosis and the infection prevalence in deer.
The survey was carried out in six state hunting grounds that manage with deer game in Baranja region during 2001 – 2004. Parasitological examinations were carried out by qualitative and quantitative faecal exams. The highest prevalence’s (35 – 60%) were found in epizootic focuses of two hunting grounds at flooding – bog land area in east Baranja, Danube forestry. The mean intensity of infection, determined on the basis of the number of eggs per gram (EPG) was 30 – 33 EPG (range 1 – 300). High 86% of examined samples was in category to 50 EPG. The highest prevalence and the biggest EPG number too, were determined during the first year of survey. In the Baranja area fascioloidosis represents a potential danger for other game species, mainly roe deer and wild boars, as for domestic animals.

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Influence of weather conditions on honey bee visits (apis mellifera carnica) during sunflower (helianthus annuus l.) blooming period

Z. Puškadija, Edita Štefanić, A. Mijić, Z. Zdunić, Nada Parađiković, T. Florijančić, A. Opačak

The objective of the investigation was to determine influence of weather conditions on activity of honey bees during blooming time of six sunflower hybrids. The investigation was carried out in 2002 growing season at Kneževi Vinogradi located in Baranja county, north-eastern edge of Croatia. Honey bees communities were moved to the field trial site inside Langstroth-Rooth’s bee-hives. Honey bees visiting sunflower head inflorescence was measured at 100, 200, and 300 meters by counting honey bees four times a day (9.00 am, 11.00 am, 1.00 pm, and 5.00 pm). The influence of weather conditions was analysed by Spearman correlation coefficient. Results of the investigation show significant differences regarding honey-bee visit to the head inflorescences in six hybrids, as well as significant influence of air temperature, humidity, precipitation, minimum and maximum air temperature, as well as wind strength.

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The influence of the botanic origin of honey plants on the quality of honey

Z. Tucak, M. Periškić, M. Škrivanko, Anastazija Konjarević

Numerous parameters affect the quality of honey from different beehive types (Albert – Žindaršić AŽ, Langstroth – Roott LR i Dadant – Blatt DB), i.e. the material of beehives are made of, the origin of queen bees (natural and selected), etc. Our research focuses on the influence of the botanic origin of honey plants (Tilia sp. L. (lime), Amorpha fructirosa L. (desert false indigo), Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower), Brassica napus subsp. olifera DC. (oil beet) and Robina pseudoacacia L. (acacia)) on the quality of honey. The physical and chemical analyses of honey (N=133) (water %, water insoluble compounds %, acidity level, mmol of acid per kg, electrical conductivity, mS/cm, reducing sugar %, sucrose %, HMF, mg/kg, and diastasic number) were conducted by Harmonised methods of the European Honey. The pollen analysis was conducted by Harmonised methods of melissopalynology.
The pollen analysis indicates that the botanic origin has had a statistically significant influence (P<0.001) on the quality of all investigated characteristics of honey, except on the share of the non–dissolving substances (P=0.088). The research was conducted in the Vukovar-Srijem County, the Republic of Croatia. All bees used in this research belong to the Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica), the European bee species.

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