Opis firme

Ime firme: Karsai pannonia

Oblast delatnosti: Proizvodnja ostalih proizvoda od plastičnih masa
PIB: 101690030
Matični broj: 08770271
Šifra delatnosti: 25240


  • Subotica, Beogradski put 130
  • Tel/fax: +381 24/566-090, 566-100
  • E-mail:karsai@eunet.yu


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Proizvodi firme:

  • OVM Karsai PLC
  • Karsai Alba Ltd.
  • Karsai Hargita Plast Ltd.

Opis firme:

The Karsai Plastic Holding PLC has been present in the plastic industry for already 20 years. Our packaging subdivision with four, the technical subdivision with its three member companies, with nearly 300 machines (25-4000t clamping force), and more than 1000 professionals we are at our partners’ service.

The company started its plastic industry work in a 50m2 building in 1988, as an individual enterprise. As a result of a thorough 1-year-long market research its primary profile became the package material – production for the pharmaceutical industry. The strategic aim was to develop quality and reach reliability.

The operation of the factory developed continuously and its market share grew dynamically. It became necessary to set up an individual tool engineering workshop and a design – development base. In 1992 a new factory was established on a 1800 m2 area, so the work continued on two company sites.

In 1994 the enterprise became PLC. To keep the dynamism of growth during the successful operation of the company, the owner endorsed back the produced profit into further developments. As a result of this in 1996 the private limited company built up its 10000 m2 base area factory in the Alba Industrial Zone in Székesfehérvár, which ensures the „clean-room“ production where fulfilling the highest customers’ needs has become accomplishable.

At that time the company group was started to be set up. Owing to its acknowledgement by the market the Karsai Plastic Holding PLC is progressing further in high rate and extending within our borders and abroad as well.