
Postovana koleginice, postovani kolega,

Udruzenje inzenjera Srbije za koroziju i zastitu materijala (UISKOZAM) organizujei medjunarodnu Konferenciju

Ova tradicionalna Konferencija odrzace se na planini Tari od 17. do 20. septembra 2013. godine. Osnovni cilj Konferencije jeste razmena najnovijih informacija i rezultata istrazivanja izmedju istrazivaca i inzenjera koji se bave problemima korozije i zastite razlicitih vrsta materijala, kao i zastitom zivotne sredine i alternativnim oblicima konverzije energije. Petnaesta konferencija YUCORR odrzace se pod sloganom:

„Steciste nauke i prakse u oblastima korozije, zastite materijala i zivotne sredine“

15 YUCORR sponzorise Evropska federacija za koroziju kao svoj dogadjaj od znacaja pod brojem 365.
Na sajtu konferencije:

upravo je postavljena lista plenarnih predavanja.

Detaljne informacije o Konferenciji, koje se ticu tematike, prijave radova, registracije ucesnika i mesta odrzavanja takodje mozete pogledati na sajtu konferencije.
Formulari za ranu prijavu ucesca i prijavu radova postavljeni su na Internet stranicama Konferencije. Za ranu registraciju koja ce biti otvorena do 16. juna 2013. neophodno je dati samo okvirni naslov rada (pri tome naravno moguce poslati i ceo rad ukoliko to zelite), dok ce slanje izvoda i prosirenih radova biti moguce do 21. jula 2013. Ucesnici koji iskoriste mogucnost rane registracije moci ce da uplate kotizaciju po 10% snizenoj ceni do 26. jula 2013.

Ukoliko ste vec prijavili ucesce na 15 YUCORR-u ovom prilikom Vam se zahvaljujemo.

S nadom da cemo svi zajedno ponovo provesti nezaboravne i divne trenutke na cudesnoj planini Tari, Organizacioni i Naucni odbor Konferencije 15 YUCORR srdacno Vas pozdravljaju.

S postovanjem,
Organizacioni odbor Konferencije 15 YUCORR

Engleska verzija

15 YUCORR International Conference
September 17-20, 2013
TARA Mountain, Serbia

15 YUCORR announces the List of Plenary Lectures

Dear colleague,

Serbian Society of Corrosion and Materials Protection (UISKOZAM) organizes

International conference::

„Meeting Point of the Science and Practice in the Fields of Corrosion, Materials and Environmental Protection“

an European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Event No. 365

This traditional Conference will be held on Tara mountain, Serbia, 17-20 September , 2013. The main goal of the Conference is to exchange the newest information and investigation data between scientists and engineers dealing with corrosion and protection of different types of materials, as well as with environment protection and the alternative energy conversion.

Please visit the Conference web site:

to check just posted the List of Plenary Lectures.

All details about the Conference, concerning Topics, Types of Contributions, Paper Submission and Registration and Venue, can be also found the Conference web site.

Early registration and paper submission Forms are open at the Conference web site. The deadline for early registration is 16 June, 2013, for which only the tentative title of the paper is required. The abstract or extended abstract can be uploaded til 21 July, 2013, which is the deadline for paper submission. The participants who will take the opportunity of early registration can count on 10% reduced fee if it would be paid before 26 July, 2013. In order to receive an electronic Proforma Invoice please fill-in during the early registration the VAT number of your institution.

The Organizing and Scientific Committee would like to invite you to take the participation on 15 YUCORR, hoping that we all together will spend again unforgettable and divine moments on wonderful Tara mountain.

If you have registered already your participation at 15 YUCORR please consider this message as an information about Conference web site updates.

Best regards,
15 YUCORR Organizing Committee