
Venue: Hotel Mediteran

An excellent platform to network and benefit from environmental management community in Serbia and the Balkans

Distinguished invited speakers include Top Officials from the Ministries and Agencies responsible for environmental issues from the region as well as University Professors, Senior Experts and industry representatives.

This Conference, organized within the project „Setting up Environmental Management Center in Serbia“, implemented by the REC with funds provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, is a unique regional platform for networking with the environmental management community in Serbia and Southeastern Europe, as it offers ample opportunities for interaction and exchange between academics, government officials and sustainability practitioners.

The Conference will consist of the following 4 thematic modules:

  1. Environmental management
  2. Integrated pollution prevention and control
  3. Reporting for sustainability: practice and experiences in EU and the region (GRI, PRTR, Corporate Social Responsibility reporting, trends in reporting track etc.)
  4. Reporting for sustainability: software solutions, modeling.
Submit a Paper and present yourPaper in the Oral or Poster Session Attend a Conference as a Delegate
  • Conference Proceedings (ISBN Publication) will be issued with all approved papers
  • The Poster with the highest number of votes will be rewarded
  • Participation is free-of-charge

Save the date! All information how to register will be available on from Monday, 11 February 2013

Applications and all inquiries: