The Sixteenth International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (AMME-16)
May 27-29, 2014, Cairo, Egypt
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 16th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering – (AMME-16), which is organized by the Military Technical College, Kobry El-Kobbah, Cairo, Egypt. The Conference will be held in the campus of the Military Technical College on May 27-29, 2014. A lot of International Universities and Organizations have been invited to participate in the conference activities.
We also wish to inform you that the deadline for submitting your full manuscript will be on January 31, 2014. You will submit your manuscript using the Conference Email Address: Our Call of Papers which includes the all instructions needed for your sharing in the conference activities is attached. Our Website is: Please, forward the conference Email and its brochure to the colleagues who might also be interested in the topics of this event. Your young researchers and PhD students are also invited to participate and present their research works in our conference.
Sponsored by
The Egyptian Ministry of Defense
Organized by
The Military Technical College Cairo, Egypt
Conference Correspondence
All correspondence concerning the conference should be addressed to:
The Commandant of the MTC
and Conference Chairman
Military Technical College
Kobry Elkobbah, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: +(202) 24037852 – 24037849
Fax: +(202) 24029382 –(202) 22621908
Email: amme-16@
Kobry Elkobbah, Cairo, EGYPT
Conference chairman
The commandant of the MTC
Conference vice chairman
The vice commandant of the MTC
Conference general rapporteur
Maj. Gen. R. Prof. Dr. M. T. SALLAM
Conference rapporteur
Maj. Gen. R. Prof. A. M. Riad
The Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt, has the pleasure to organize the 16th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering during the period May 27-29, 2014.
In addition to regularly scheduled scientific sessions; separate exhibition and seminars will be devoted to the presentation of latest achievements in mechanical applications. This conference activity is intended to be a forum that facilitates and promotes communication and cooperation among conference participants.
International scientific communities, interested societies and individuals are invited to attend the 16th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering during the period May 27-29, 2014.
Those interested in presenting scientific papers are invited to submit an extended abstract by Dec. 1, 2013. The abstract should include the paper title, full name, affiliation, address, telephone/fax number and E-mail of the author(s). The authors will be notified of acceptance of their abstracts and guide lines for preparing manuscripts by Jan. 1, 2014. Complete paper should be submitted by Jan. 31, 2014. The papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the conference. Papers that may require revisions should be re-submitted before Apr. 1, 2014.
English is the official conference language.
1- Mechanical Power Engineering
2- Robotic, Automation and Control
3- Dynamics and Vibration
4- Material Science and Processing
5- Production Technology
6- Solid Mechanics
7- Mechanical Design
8- Automotive Engineering
9- Mechatronics
10- Ballistics
11- Acoustics and Noise Control
Conference program will include invited lectures and seminars covering the state-of-the-art achievements in mechanical engineering and applied mechanics fields. Participating organizations will be allocated one-hour seminar, including 30 minutes presentation, followed by 30 minutes discussion.
Those interested in this activity are invited to submit an abstract of their presentation including the title, their full name(s) and address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail by Jan. 15, 2014.
All organizations are invited to display their state-of-the-art technological products during the conference period. Secured indoor and outdoor areas are available. Interested organizations are requested to fill in and mail the included registration form of the conference.
1 Abstracts submission
Dec.1, 2013
2 Notification of abstract acceptance
Jan.1, 2014
3 Submission of complete manuscript
Jan. 31, 2014
4 Revised manuscript
Mar.1, 2014
5 Camera-ready manuscript (hard and soft copy)
Apr. 1, 2014
6 Seminar abstract
Jan.15, 2014
7 Exhibition registration
Mar.1, 2014
8 Exhibition fee refund
Apr.1, 2014
Registration fees for the conference are LE 400 for Residents (US $ 400 for Internationals), covering the reception, lunch, coffee breaks and the conference proceeding. Registration fees are payable to Military Technical College, Cairo.
Indoor exhibition area is located in the conference zone in the Military Technical College. As the exhibition area is limited, participation in the exhibition will be based on first come first served basis. The exhibition fees are LE 2500 for Residents (US $ 2500 for Internationals) for the twelve square meter booth. Exhibition fees include two complementary registrations to attend the conference.
The outdoor exhibition fees are LE 50 per square meter for Residents (US $ 50 for Internationals).
Engineering students are invited to demonstrate their engineering skill, talent and capability of defending their innovated ideas. The participating students could attend all the conference activities, free of charge.
Participants are responsible for their travel and hotel accommodation. On request, assistance will be provided for hotel reservations, entry visas and reception at Cairo International Airport.